eBay Stealth - Paypal and eBay Suspension, Reinstatement and Feedback Guide


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eBay Stealth - Suspended eBay and Paypal Account Guide

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Get the new ebook and learn lots more in depth stuff

Suspended eBay Account? Get back on Paypal and eBay

This is the very short trimmed guide on how to get back onto ebay after your buyer or seller accounts got suspended or limited. If you need more in-depth information, then visit: eBay Stealth - The Complete Suspended eBay Account Guide. Please note that we will be making a fully anonymous eBay and Paypal account using fully 100% legal methods.

1. First, you need to Get Firefox - www.mozilla.com/firefox . Download Firefox; Go to Tools -> Options, Select the Privacy tab, then on the bottom in the "Private Data" Section Press 'Settings' and check off every checkbox. Press OK, Now whenever you close firefox it will ask to delete all of those things, just hit OK everytime. (you need these in case you are using 2 different ebay/paypal accounts so they cant track your cookies) And even if you are not using 2 ebay/paypal addresses, do this just in case everytime.

2. Register a Business name in your city. First make up a name you will be using for your new eBay and Paypal Identities. Then Google "register business [your city]" -- without the quotes of course. Register a name that looks like a persons name, made up of 2 words, take some foreign words and create something for example; Wanslow Fae <-- just made that up.

3. Register a Virtual Address. This way you will get a business address without having to go out and and get an actual address. Or you can go and get a P.O. box instead of a virtual address, they cost around the same, but eBay and Paypal frown upon people using a P.O. box as their address since it is easy for a scammer to use it. (Read my e-book where I show you how to use a P.O. box without eBay / Paypal knowing you are using one)

Suspended from eBay? Let eBay Stealth help you get back on!

Are you suspended from ebay and really frustrated that eBay's tech support keeps giving you the run around with automated messages that don't answer any of your questions? Well I was too, that's why I went on a crusade to find every little bit of information about how to get back on ebay and stay on! Not only that, but I have found information on how to create tons of new anonymous eBay and Paypal accounts without revealing any of your personal real information. I have teamed up with the authority in eBay suspensions - Aspkin who's eBay suspension forum is the biggest on the net. We have put our minds together and have released the complete ebay suspension guide. Suspended from eBay you will no longer be!

In the eBay Stealth guide, we show you how to create a new eBay account without giving away your real name, credit card, phone number and address.

If you are stumped by the amount of guides out there on this subject, well look no further. First, go to Aspkin's forums and browse around - you will be astounded by the sheer amount of information on this subject. People have been getting suspended from eBay since the days it was founded, and a select few have been finding ways around all of their defenses to get right back to selling or buying. Visit Aspkin's Ebay Suspension Forum.

Then when you are amazed at how much good info you can find, and don't know what to do next, check out our complete solution - eBay Stealth - The Complete
Suspended eBay Account Guide
. Our guide outlines STEP BY STEP what you have to do in order to get yourself a new eBay and Paypal account using fully legal methods!

You will learn how eBay tracks your online and how they link you to other users. You will find out how to hide yourself with numerous tools so that eBay won't know anything about you! And most important of all, you WILL be able to get back on ebay.

Lots of Good Reviews and Testimonials for eBay Stealth a.k.a Auction Stealth

Well, seems people really like the new guide Aspkin and I cooked up :)
Check out this forum post for some testimonials: Ebay Stealth Testimonials and Reviews Suspended Account Guide.

You can do a complete preview of the e-book by downloading it here - http://auctionstealth.com/download.html Open the .exe file, and you will have access to a small bare bones guide for preview purposes. When you are ready to buy it, just head on over to http://www.auctionstealth.com and pay through the link on the bottom of the page. You can also get the book free by using TrialPay (just complete an offer and your e-book activation code will be emailed to you for free!) - The link to TrialPay is on the bottom of the page too. After paying, you will receive your activation code, just put that into your already downloaded e-book and you will have access to the full guide.

Also, whenever any new updates come out, you can just re-download the book from the link, use your old access code and get the new updated guide for free!!

So what are you waiting for? Get the e-book that has so many people raving about it. Don't waste your time and money anymore, get Auction Stealth - the complete ebay suspension guide today!

If you have any questions, look on the right of this page ---------------> If i am online, click the google talk button to ask me any questions! Also remember I am also available by e-mail to answer any questions you might have - mr.mik3 @ gmail.com (just remove the spaces).

Do not use Lobbay.com or EbayStealth.info

I recently i noticed these people appearing at the top of all google searches related to ebay suspensions. Which only leads me to believe that they are raking in lots of cash if they are at the top so much. And that is why i want to pull the plug.

The biggest scammer is "ebaystealth.info" NOT to be confused with the original best-selling ebay suspension guide of the same name. This person stole the domain name and created a domain for himself leeching off the fame of the original "Ebay Stealth" a.k.a. "Auction Stealth" ebook. This is a warning to not buy from him as you will not get the support or any up to date info or even a book written by him - he stole it from the Auction Stealth team. Even the checkout page is not secure, so by going that route you are giving your financial information away to a scammer - Stay away!

Now about Lobbay - I just had a chat with someone who bought one of the lobbay accounts a little while ago, and said they can't get it to work. They also bought a "anonymous bank account" from them. Been 3 weeks and they havent heard anything back from lobbay - well of course, there is no such thing as an anonymous bank account. With all the "terrorist" and 9/11 stuff, banks have stepped up their measures so that now you need tons of documents to open a bank account.

Also just searched around some forums and found a small discussion by blackhatters - Blackhatters are people that love to find ways around conventional methods, and they know their stuff in all things web related. Now what do they say about lobbay? That it's a scam. Here is the link to the discussion - BlackHatWorld

Paypal fax them info? limited account - Photoshop then Fax supplier information, driver license, utility bill

So basically your account got limited, and paypal wants more info.

Since Paypal is NOT a bank, they don't abide by bank rules. They don't check your identity during your signup, but they do it once you have money in your account (so they can freeze it and keep it).

PayPal and Ebay Phone Numbers

Ebay numbers:
EBAY Powerseller Titanium Phone Support 24/7

Call eBay (800-322-9266) And Press 1

More interesting extentions:
47205 - Colline McDonald - Trust and Safety
47207 - Sarah Carlson - Trust and Safety
47208 - Chris in Trust and Safety (Works nights) - Handles account suspensions.
55130 - Powerseller titanium support 24/7
65682 - Bill Cobb
77777 - Ebay Security (Security guards office)

PayPal phone numbers
(courtesy of PayPalsucks.com) -

Some may wonder why you have to come to PayPalSucks.com to find the phone number to PayPal? Well the reason is simple: PayPal has so many unhappy customers, that they make it very difficult to find and use their telephone system for support. (See my comments on the book PayPal Wars for verification of this fact.) You have to ask yourself just what kind of company has such a huge service load that it has to resort to such tactics. You should also know that PayPal's hiding of it's phone number and deleting customer's emails was one of the principle issues why they agreed to pay $9.1million dollars to settle the class auction lawsuit brought on EFTA (Electronic Funds Transfer Act) violations.

Kay P. ACH / Check Services


Get 100% positive feedback fast!. How to get over a hundred positive ebay feedback without selling a real thing.

[THIS METHOD DOES NOT WORK ANYMORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!] it will stay up as an archive.
Read eBay Stealth for the updated methods.

So you just created a new ebay account, and want to sell, but it's not going so well because you are a new ebayer with no feedback. Well here is an easy way to get positive feedback FAST! The more people use this method, the better. (As always, if you found this info useful, i've got some ads on the site that you
might find "interesting". That's how i pay for all this.)

1. For this you will need a paypal account. Read my "How to get back onto ebay and paypal" page if your previous account got terminated. (of course you can do this any other way, but with paypal it speeds
up the process)

2. List this item on ebay:

- category is Other - > other

- 0.99 cent buy it now (ebay doesen't allow you to list buy it now ebooks for less anymore, might even have to increase the price). If you want to start an auction, that's even better since you can start at 0.01 but you will have to chose a different category, a totally random one for your ebook.

- Title has "ebook" and "free shipping" in it. Can be "free shipping
ebook on cooking" or "Pretty picture of my dog ebook free shipping"

- list it as a digital item

- shipping and handling fees put 0.00

3. In the description put some random description about your useless item
and list.

That's it. Now just wait for people who want feedback as much as you to buy it. as soon as they buy it, leave them positive feedback and they will leave the same to you (don't worry, there's a whole system on ebay for doing this so people won't even need you to send them that ebook or a pretty picture of your
dog, but have something just in case).

-- Summary and Links to everything you need to open up a brand new anonymous ebay and paypal account --


Get a Virtual Phone Number

Get dialup Internet

a Merchant Account

ebay before selling

Ebay Startup kit Easy money with ebay Wholesalers, Distributors - don't fall for scams

You should know, that you don't have to pay for any information on the internet. It's only the lazy people that try to get info for a small fee, and then either get things they couldve found on google, or just get scammed.

Ebay / Paypal account got linked and suspended - what did I do wrong?

Go over this list and check off all the things you did, even one of these is an instant suspension:

- same phone number as another user

- same paypal address as another user (probably a suspended one)

- same photos (same size, measurements, and general photo)

- same IP as someone else

- certain email providers are being suspended (probably the throwaway ones like mytrashmail.com)

- same password as another user

- opened up your email from a different IP? (ebay has tracking cookies)

(i will be updating this as I get new info)

How to remove negative feedback from your ebay seller or buyer account profile score

Yep it's possible. As we all know by now that Ebay and Paypal are scamming monopolistic crooks, they even let you remove negative feedback, no matter the reason.

Here's how:

1. www. ******* .com (to see what's under the asterisks, check out my new e-book - eBay Stealth - Suspended Account Guide
2. Click ****** services
3. Click feedback issues
4. Click file a case.
Now submit the required info, and you are good to go. Theres a very very very good chance they will remove the negative feedback, and it will only cost around 40$ This is good for those 100% feedback sellers who want to keep their flawless reputation.

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